Why do you need
to choose the right Locksmith?
Choose your Locksmith and other emergency home service providers ahead of time.
Is the price listed online to good to be true? Then it probably is! A local phone number does not mean they are a local Locksmith company. Listen carefully to how they answer the phone, be suspicious if they answer with a generic greeting such as "Locksmith" rather than a specific business name. This is often a sign your call has been routed to a call center that is most likely in another state. When getting an estimate over the phone, be sure to ask exactly what that price includes. Most legitimate Locksmiths charge a flat rate for Home and Auto Openings where the shady Locksmith companies will quote you one price over the phone, but when they get there they will claim that was the price to just show up and try to make it seem like a misunderstanding. A legitimate Locksmith will have their Licensing, Insurance and Bonding information readily available for your review. The State of Washington does require Locksmiths to be Licensed, Bonded and Insured so don't be afraid to ask for proof! You can verify a Locksmith's license at www.lni.wa.gov
If you recently purchased a home, please have your locks rekeyed! There is no way of knowing exactly who still has a key and you may awaken one morning to find the Milkman standing in your kitchen! Also, if you purchased a foreclosed home, many banks key all their properties alike and the foreclosed home next door may use the same key! Remember, a stick is NOT a lock!